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Elevator Hygiene: Best Practices for a Clean and Safe Ride

Elevator Hygiene

Introduction About Elevator Hygiene

Introduction: Welcome to the world of elevators! In today’s fast-paced world, taking an elevator is one of the quickest ways to reach your destination on time. However, have you considered hygiene while taking an elevator ride? With the ongoing pandemic, practicing elevator hygiene has become more crucial. Why elevator hygiene is important?

The elevator buttons, handrails, and other high-touch surfaces are home to countless germs. The indoor air quality within the closed space of an elevator can aggravate the problem by allowing viruses and bacteria to circulate.

So, maintaining a high standard of elevator hygiene is essential for our health and well-being.

The science behind elevator germs is fascinating yet appalling. Studies reveal that coronavirus and other germs can survive on surfaces for hours and even days. Thus, it becomes our responsibility to keep ourselves and others safe by following some best practices for elevator hygiene.

Let’s look at some of them!

Pre-ride preparation

Pre-ride Preparation: We all want to stay safe and healthy, especially during these uncertain times. If you want to ensure you have a safe elevator ride, there are a few important steps you should strictly follow before entering. Firstly, sanitize your hands before entering the Elevator. Elevator buttons and surfaces are a breeding ground for germs, so keeping your hands clean is crucial.

Carry a small sanitizing gel in your pocket just in case there’s no dispenser available. Next up, avoid touching your face and other surfaces while inside the Elevator. You can reduce the risk of exposure to germs on your skin by doing this. Use your elbow or a tissue if you need to press a button.

Lastly, practice social distancing by waiting for an empty elevator or standing at least six feet apart from others inside. Give people as much personal space as possible to reduce the risk of spreading germs.

You’ll even get some extra personal space along the ride! These simple but important steps can have a safer elevator experience and reduce the risk of catching germs.

Inside the Elevator

Inside the Elevator: You’ve sanitized your hands and practiced social distancing while waiting for your ride. But what about inside the Elevator? Here are some key points to keep in mind: Wear a mask. In addition to protecting you, this also protects those around you.

Plus, it’s a great opportunity to show off your collection of quirky face masks. Avoid talking and facing directly towards others. Silence is golden, especially in elevators. You never know who might be feeling uncomfortable or anxious. Take the stairs if possible.

Let’s face it: we all could do with a little extra exercise. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter with your colleagues. “Oh, you took the Elevator? I took the stairs. No big deal.”

Post-ride precautions

Post-ride precautions are just as important as pre-ride preparation regarding elevator hygiene. When you exit the Elevator, sanitize your hands with a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. But don’t just stop there! Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as soon as possible. Avoid touching your face until you have washed your hands.

Remember, germs can spread from surfaces to your hands and face, potentially causing illness. So, take these steps seriously to protect your health and the health of those around you.

Elevator maintenance

Elevator Maintenance: Regular cleaning and disinfection, air filtration systems, and touchless technologies are crucial in maintaining elevator hygiene. Regular cleaning involves disinfecting the frequently touched buttons, handrails, and walls. Air filtration systems help remove impurities and contaminants from the air inside the Elevator, reducing the chances of spreading germs.

Touchless technologies, such as sensor-based buttons, eliminate the need for physical contact while using the Elevator. Maintenance personnel and building owners must prioritize elevator cleaning and disinfection to ensure riders stay safe and healthy.

Furthermore, building owners can provide riders with an added sense of safety by investing in touchless technologies and air filtration systems.

The bottom line is that elevator maintenance is vital in creating a clean and safe environment.

Elevator etiquette

Elevator etiquette is essential for a smooth and safe ride. Be courteous to others by not crowding the Elevator, following guidelines and instructions, and reporting any issues or concerns. These small actions can make a big difference in keeping everyone happy and healthy.


Elevator hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of germs and illnesses. To keep yourself and others safe, sanitize your hands before and after riding, wear a mask, and avoid touching your face and others.

Elevator maintenance is also important and can include regular cleaning, air filtration systems, and touchless technologies. These small steps can lead to a safer ride for everyone.

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